Dissertation Writing Prompts: Review and Refine Format

Here is a refresher on how to format your dissertation paper:

Title Page:

This has all the relevant information on it such as what the title of the dissertation is called, the writer’s name, the date that it is due, any names that are relevant, and what department it has come out of.


This is the part that says what you are covering in you dissertation.

List of tables, figures etc.

If you have a bunch of figures and tables that you are using, you would include that list so it will make it easier to find.

Table of contents:

This is where you will list all the parts of your paper. This includes listing not only the parts of the paper, but also what pages those particular parts are on. For example if you are writing a paper on education reform and mention the “No Child Left Behind Act” then you would need to list that along with whatever page it is on.


This is where the writer will acknowledge anyone that has helped him or her with the project as well as thanking the committee to allow them to be able to present whatever topic they are covering.


For the reader, if they want to just read a brief summary of what the dissertation is over, then this where they will find it.


You provide the background information in this section, as well as what is the topic important, and answer the important question of why did you set out to do this.

Literary review:

This is where a lot of sources will come into play. It takes a critical look at what you have chosen and goes deeper into it. Think of this section as the “I am knowledgeable” section.

Research Methodology:

This explains what method(s) you did in order to obtain the data for your research, why you chose those methods and how is credible.


Just like in research paper, this part just takes the data that you collected and goes into a deeper explanation of what type of data you collected.


You take all the data that you collected and turn into something that people will be able to understand. That way people will understand why it is important and what they can do.


This part wraps everything up and asks the call of action questions and or provides recommendations about why something should be looked into or maybe why not.


This is the section where all of your sources that you used will be at.


If there is something that someone might not understand term wise then they will come to this section in order to seek out a deeper meaning and definition.

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